
Veneers consist of a very thin ceramic shell that covers the entire visible portion of a tooth. This is a method of correcting cosmetic issues such as staining, chipping, cracking, gaps, and misalignment. Veneers can also protect the surfaces of damaged teeth. When in place, veneers are indistinguishable from your natural teeth, giving you a fresh new smile.

Placing veneers can take two or three visits to the office. First, we will perform a comprehensive examination to look for oral health concerns that must be addressed before placing veneers. If you are a good candidate, we will talk with you to create a plan for what you want your veneers to look like, and make sure we are designing a smile that you will be happy with. Our patients select from different tooth colors and are even able to preview the expected results using imaging technology.

When it is time to place the veneers, we will prepare your natural teeth with minimal reshaping to make room for the veneers. If you choose composite resin veneers, we will apply the resin and harden it with a high intensity light before polishing it for a natural-looking finish. If you choose porcelain veneers, we will take an impression of your teeth and send it to a dental laboratory to fabricate the veneers. With proper care, veneers last for many years before requiring replacement.