
When some or all of a patient’s teeth are extracted, partial or full dentures can restore an attractive, natural-looking smile. These removable appliances also provide support for the structure of the face and jaw to prevent sagging, and reestablish a highly functional occlusion. Dentures can be fabricated to replace an entire upper or lower arch (a complete or full denture), or a small group of teeth when other sturdy natural teeth still remain (a partial denture).

There are three main types of dentures:

  • Conventional. This full denture is placed in the mouth after all teeth are removed and the mouth is fully healed.
  • Immediate. This denture can be placed on the same day that teeth are extracted, using preliminary models of the jaw and mouth. Once the mouth is fully healed, the denture may have to be relined or remade.
  • Overdenture. An overdenture fits over any natural teeth that can be preserved in the mouth. Saving these teeth preserves the jawbone and provides support for the overdenture.

Dentures should be brushed and cared for much like natural teeth. While they may feel awkward at first, your mouth should slowly become accustomed to them. During follow up appointments and regular checkups, your dentures will be examined to make sure they are fitting properly.